ISSN: 2583-0538
DOI: 12.2021-68922815/IJIRL
Accessibility: Open Access
Subject Area: Law
Review Process: Blind Peer Review
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Language: English
Call For Papers
The IJIRL is inviting authors to contribute their research pieces for publication in Volume V Issue II
Perks: Free DOI, Publication Certificate, Certificate of Excellence, Timely Process, Indexed at Manupatra, HeinOnline, Google Scholar & ROAD.
Perks for Publishing at Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law
IJIRL is indexed in reputable databases like Manupatra, HeinOnline, Google Scholar, ROAD and others.
A Hardcopy of the Publication Certificate & Published Paper can be availed by the authors.
Certificate of Excellence
The top authors in each issue are provided with a Certificate of Excellence along with other prizes.
Speedy Process & Grievance Redressal
The manuscript publication process takes around 1-5 working days. Our team guides authors and redresses their queries throughout the publication process.
Free DOI
All the papers published in IJIRL are assigned a free DOI which helps readers easily locate a document from the citation.
Internship Opportunities
The top authors in each issue are provided with internship opportunities to work as Student Editors on availability basis.
Types of Submissions Accepted and Word Limit
Submissions in this category are expected to engage with the theme and literature of a particular topic comprehensively. The article must survey current practice in the field, identify any lacunae and offer innovative reassessment along with constructive suggestions. Theoretical pieces are also welcome in this category.
Essays/short articles are more concise in scope and are focused on a particular issue and offer new perspectives and critical insights on the selected topic. They offer clearly identifiable arguments and may provide different ways of conceptualizing the selected issue.
This category is meant for the analysis of any contemporary judicial pronouncement, legislative action, or policy proposal. Notes and Comments must trace the line of cases in which the decision appears and comment on its implications on the evolution of that branch of law. Similarly, a legislative comment or policy proposal must identify the object and expected impact of the legislative action/policy proposal in question.
About Us
The Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law, ISSN: 2583-0538 is a bi-monthly online journal that promotes research in the field of law as an integrated subject.
Our Aim
Open Acces
The IJIRL follows the open access journal policy wherein all the articles published are freely available to be distributed and reused which creates an open platform for students and researchers.